Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day 2012

This is a May Day which is not too happy for me as a Malaysian! 

I have just taken part in BERSIH 3.0 on 428, two days ago. The crowd was much bigger than BERSIH 2.0! It is amazing for so many more Malaysians to be angry at the Electoral Process!

BERSIH 3.0 is even more meaningful for me as I took part in the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) for Electoral Reform by giving my views as an individual on 12 Nov 2012. See report on my presentation at page 126, http://www.parlimen.gov.my/images/webuser/jkuasa/JPKPR-12112011.pdf, although the report transcribe "five-year" as "fire". These two points which I presented, though were not covered by the eight-point demand of BERSIH 3.0, were included in the 22 points in the PSC Final Report. 

We need a fair playing ground in order to have a fair election for the better party to rule. Whichever party does not do well in its term, we CHANGE for the BETTER party. I am a proud Penangite, who is part of the history of changing our State Government, from MCA to Gerakan to DAP now, and each time for the better.

I urge my dear Malaysian friends, vote for CHANGE, this change can never be worse!

Vote for alternatives, as it is better to have a choice than no choice!

I am also glad that the PM has announced the minimum wage for Malaysians yesterday. This is what the Workers have been fighting for years. Thailand has implemented the Minimum Wage policy last year. This move would ensure everyone living a more decent life as a member of the country.

I sincerely hope that by the next May day, we will have a better Day for the Nation. Cheers!