Tuesday, June 9, 2009

To kpkpm@moe.gov.my

This is in response to English: Education Ministry Opens Line For Suggestions.

The following is the letter I wrote to the Education Ministry:

Dear Sir/Ms,

I have a suggestion for English. Let us have two different standards for English Course. We can have (1) English and (2) Further English. Schools have the option to choose either course. Those in elementary level shall take English. Others in higher level shall take Further English.

We can also do the same for the Teaching of Science and Mathematics. We can have a bilingual system. Schools have the option to choose teaching-learning Science and Mathematics in English or in mother tongue (Bahasa Malaysia or Chinese or Tamil).

Malaysia is the melting pot of cultures, we should embrace multivulturism!

Poh Swee Hiang

Ferry My Favourite

I have to salute my Chief Minister, though I am from Penang now in PJ, and he is from Melaka now ruling my home-state!

Why? He has a good idea! Let the State run the Ferry! Here and Here.

Penang Ferry was the issue I blogged on May 4, 2008. Here. That was my 2nd posting in this blog.
On May 20, 2008, I carried a related news. Here.

Personally, we can improve the ferry service, cut down the wait time, enhance the environment, the natural breeze will do the rest!

If there is a political will, we can make it a profitable venture!

My dear CM, you can do it! Only the pessimists say "tidak Boleh!". They have been saying "Tidak Boleh" for decades, that is why nothing has been changed since.

Dear Datuk Transport Minister, give the challenge to "Penang Boleh", if LGE fails, he will have to face the Penangites!

Fair and Square!